13 Unique Angelfish Type: From Silver to Platinum Angels


queen angelfish

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Freshwater Angelfish:

Angelfish are a freshwater cichlid species and are one of the most popular tropical aquarium fish species.

A freshwater angel fish, or Pterophyllum scalare, is primarily a species of cichlid native to South America. Different species of angel fish are commonly found in various water systems including Colombia, French Guyana, Guyana, Brazil and Rio Eskebo, Rio Oyapak and Amazon itself in Peru. The type of angel fish can be 8 inches long and can reach up to 6 inches in total length. Like most sachilleds, they show the structure of the compressed body in a background which simply means they are quite thin.

These fish are available in a variety of colors and patterns, ranging from solid silver to black and silver marbles, and blue or colored strips. As a species, the freshwater angel fish is basically peaceful. However, it is a little difficult for them to meet with very young generations. These fish can live for ten years or more. Angel fish prefers to be kept in tanks with many of its generations.

Different Types of Angelfish

Many variations have taken place in the domestic angel fish stock and have been launched under certain stress. Some species of angel fish will truly breed, meaning that if you add two fish of the same type, all the offspring will be of this type. Other species of species will produce different species. And, if a fish with a commanding trait associates with the fish with the regular variety of this trait, then the offspring can all demonstrate a commanding trait.

Angel fish genetics are charming and complex. Let's look at some common species, but there is much more to breed different types of angel fish.

1. Silver

Silver angel fish exhibits the color of wild angel fish. Its eyes are crimson, and its body is silver.Three vertical black stripes embellish the side. Depending on the mood of the fish, these stripes are erased or darkened.

2. Veil and Super Veil

The veletal gen encourages all fungi to flow longer and longer. A curtain fish is known as veltel, and two fish have even more detailed wings and are called super curtains. A curtain produced in a standard feather will achieve half of each type, while a standard curtain and a standard veil produces all the children of the veil.

3. Black and Black Lace

The initial color change in prison has been a black gene. A fish with a black jean is known as a black lace. The whole body is black, and the wings have an attractive lace pattern. The fish with two deep jeans is called black, double black, or double dark angel and is closely black, although some stress or fainting barrier can be seen in the right light.

queen angelfish

4. Half-Black

In the half-black angel, the back of the fish shows a solid black color. The front half is silver. This trait can be affected by weather conditions, so fishes that are genetically half-black appear as silver when their rearing conditions are less than ideal.

5. Zebra

The zebra angelfish is somewhat similar to silver, but consists of four to six vertical stripes. If the zebra has a deep gene, it is known as the zebra lace and is a black version of the zebra, which also has attractive laces on its wings. A double dark zebra appears to be just another double dark.

6. Gold

The color of gold angelfish is yellow gold base color and there is no black mark on it. They usually have quite yellow or orange marks on their head, face and waist.

queen angelfish

7. Marble

The marble angel fish has silver and black markings of marble instead of stripes. This type of angel fish can be light or heavy marble.

8.Gold Marble

A different jean stimulates the color of gold marble, which is actually more gold than silver and has a small amount of black marble compared to a regular marble angel fish.

9. Platinum Angels

The latest change in Angelfish is the gene officially known as the Philippines Blue. Recognized and established in the Philippines by Ken Kennedy, this trait can be found with other varieties in charming ways. The gold angel with two Filipino blue angel jeans is known as platinum and is a magnificent, blue-white fish with stunning iridescence. A black angel with two blue jeans is tagged as a pinoy angel, and a gold bulshing angel with two blue jeans known as paraba. A particularly popular strain is the Pearl Scale Platinum, which has a positively metallic body.

10. Pearlscale Angels

Scale mutation species can occur on any colored angel fish. It forms a fine crankled tin foil towards the scales and is more pronounced on lighter fish than deep fish. Most people support the albino pearl scale on the black pearl scale.

11. Blushing Angelfish

The blushing feature removes black bars and prompts the gills to become translucent to young fish. The bright red gills that appear through it describe the name "Blushing". As the fish matures, the gill cover becomes fuzzy. A silver blushing is all silver over-overs with red "cheeks" that usually show a fairly blue discomfort and are sometimes called Blue Angel Fish or German Blues.

12. Koi and Sunset

Blushing of gold marble is recognized as an angel fish. Initially, they have red orange on their heads, but the tension is extended, in which the red orange pigment is shown throughout the body and in the wings. A notable gold shy fish with an orange crown is said to be the angel of sunset.

13. Albino

Albino angelfish lacks deep pigment, but it can retain yellow or red pigment. In the right light you will see the white effect on the white that exhibits the bars. Pupils of the eye are pink/red as in all other types of albino animals. Albinos do not produce any black pigments and thus show white to yellow body.

Angelfish Physical Attributes

Angelfish is prominent in the sachillids because they are compressed from the back, have a round body and lengthen the wings of the triangle dorsal and anus. Their typical diamond-shaped body enables them to hide and move quickly and quickly between plants and roots. Their hereditary color includes dark vertical stripes, which provide camouflage like zebra stripes. Angel fish are ambush hunters who hunt small fish and inverted animals that they follow in plants.

Angelfish's Natural Habitat

The angel fish is born in a wide area of tropical South America, including most of the Amazon River system. In their natural habitats, they are found in almost, especially in calm, slow moving water. In the forest, they adore dimly lit areas, under the plants or between the trees that have fallen into the river.

What Do Angelfish Eat?

Angel fish will feed on the surface or medium water, but in nature they usually fodder in search of insects and small crustaceans with the bottom. They are omnivores and will thrive on crab pellets, tropical granulars, colored flakes, and acousine tropical flakes. Frozen and live food can also be fed as a dish or to enable spawning. For best results, change their diet daily and feed only what they can eat in 2 to 3 minutes, once or twice a day.

Water Requirements For Angelfish

An angel fish raised in captivity accepts different types of water conditions, although it prefers less warm water. The pH level should be between 6.8 and 7.8, hardness between 3° and 8°. The temperature is best kept between 78° and 84°F (Farn Height). It is also important to have good filtration and make 10% weekly or 25% water changes every alternate week. Also be sure to treat the tap water with water before refilling your tank! You can use a water conditioner to purify the water.

Housing Recommendations For Angelfish

Angel fish grows massively and will need an aquarium of 55 gallons or more when fully mature. Tall aquariums are excellent, according to their body shape. A few floating plants can also be planted to offer shady areas and covers. TheFreshwater Angelfish:

Angelfish are a freshwater cichlid species and are one of the most popular tropical aquarium fish species.

A freshwater angel fish, or Pterophyllum scalare, is primarily a species of cichlid native to South America. Different species of angel fish are commonly found in various water systems including Colombia, French Guyana, Guyana, Brazil and Rio Eskebo, Rio Oyapak and Amazon itself in Peru. The type of angel fish can be 8 inches long and can reach up to 6 inches in total length. Like most sachilleds, they show the structure of the compressed body in a background which simply means they are quite thin.

These fish are available in a variety of colors and patterns, ranging from solid silver to black and silver marbles, and blue or colored strips. As a species, the freshwater angel fish is basically peaceful. However, it is a little difficult for them to meet with very young generations. These fish can live for ten years or more. Angel fish prefers to be kept in tanks with many of its generations.

Different Types of Angelfish

Many variations have taken place in the domestic angel fish stock and have been launched under certain stress. Some species of angel fish will truly breed, meaning that if you add two fish of the same type, all the offspring will be of this type. Other species of species will produce different species. And, if a fish with a commanding trait associates with the fish with the regular variety of this trait, then the offspring can all demonstrate a commanding trait.

Angel fish genetics are charming and complex. Let's look at some common species, but there is much more to breed different types of angel fish.

1. Silver

Silver angel fish exhibits the color of wild angel fish. Its eyes are crimson, and its body is silver.Three vertical black stripes embellish the side. Depending on the mood of the fish, these stripes are erased or darkened.

2. Veil and Super Veil

The veletal gen encourages all fungi to flow longer and longer. A curtain fish is known as veltel, and two fish have even more detailed wings and are called super curtains. A curtain produced in a standard feather will achieve half of each type, while a standard curtain and a standard veil produces all the children of the veil.

3. Black and Black Lace

The initial color change in prison has been a black gene. A fish with a black jean is known as a black lace. The whole body is black, and the wings have an attractive lace pattern. The fish with two deep jeans is called black, double black, or double dark angel and is closely black, although some stress or fainting barrier can be seen in the right light.

4. Half-Black

In the half-black angel, the back of the fish shows a solid black color. The front half is silver. This trait can be affected by weather conditions, so fishes that are genetically half-black appear as silver when their rearing conditions are less than ideal.

5. Zebra

The zebra angelfish is somewhat similar to silver, but consists of four to six vertical stripes. If the zebra has a deep gene, it is known as the zebra lace and is a black version of the zebra, which also has attractive laces on its wings. A double dark zebra appears to be just another double dark.

6. Gold

The color of gold angelfish is yellow gold base color and there is no black mark on it. They usually have quite yellow or orange marks on their head, face and waist.

7. Marble

The marble angel fish has silver and black markings of marble instead of stripes. This type of angel fish can be light or heavy marble.

8.Gold Marble

A different jean stimulates the color of gold marble, which is actually more gold than silver and has a small amount of black marble compared to a regular marble angel fish.

9. Platinum Angels

The latest change in Angelfish is the gene officially known as the Philippines Blue. Recognized and established in the Philippines by Ken Kennedy, this trait can be found with other varieties in charming ways. The gold angel with two Filipino blue angel jeans is known as platinum and is a magnificent, blue-white fish with stunning iridescence. A black angel with two blue jeans is tagged as a pinoy angel, and a gold bulshing angel with two blue jeans known as paraba. A particularly popular strain is the Pearl Scale Platinum, which has a positively metallic body.

10. Pearlscale Angels

Scale mutation species can occur on any colored angel fish. It forms a fine crankled tin foil towards the scales and is more pronounced on lighter fish than deep fish. Most people support the albino pearl scale on the black pearl scale.

11. Blushing Angelfish

The blushing feature removes black bars and prompts the gills to become translucent to young fish. The bright red gills that appear through it describe the name "Blushing". As the fish matures, the gill cover becomes fuzzy. A silver blushing is all silver over-overs with red "cheeks" that usually show a fairly blue discomfort and are sometimes called Blue Angel Fish or German Blues.

12. Koi and Sunset

Blushing of gold marble is recognized as an angel fish. Initially, they have red orange on their heads, but the tension is extended, in which the red orange pigment is shown throughout the body and in the wings. A notable gold shy fish with an orange crown is said to be the angel of sunset.

13. Albino

Albino angelfish lacks deep pigment, but it can retain yellow or red pigment. In the right light you will see the white effect on the white that exhibits the bars. Pupils of the eye are pink/red as in all other types of albino animals. Albinos do not produce any black pigments and thus show white to yellow body.

Angelfish Physical Attributes

Angelfish is prominent in the sachillids because they are compressed from the back, have a round body and lengthen the wings of the triangle dorsal and anus. Their typical diamond-shaped body enables them to hide and move quickly and quickly between plants and roots. Their hereditary color includes dark vertical stripes, which provide camouflage like zebra stripes. Angel fish are ambush hunters who hunt small fish and inverted animals that they follow in plants.

Angelfish's Natural Habitat

The angel fish is born in a wide area of tropical South America, including most of the Amazon River system. In their natural habitats, they are found in almost, especially in calm, slow moving water. In the forest, they adore dimly lit areas, under the plants or between the trees that have fallen into the river.

What Do Angelfish Eat?

Angel fish will feed on the surface or medium water, but in nature they usually fodder in search of insects and small crustaceans with the bottom. They are omnivores and will thrive on crab pellets, tropical granulars, colored flakes, and acousine tropical flakes. Frozen and live food can also be fed as a dish or to enable spawning. For best results, change their diet daily and feed only what they can eat in 2 to 3 minutes, once or twice a day.

Water Requirements For Angelfish

An angel fish raised in captivity accepts different types of water conditions, although it prefers less warm water. The pH level should be between 6.8 and 7.8, hardness between 3° and 8°. The temperature is best kept between 78° and 84°F (Farn Height). It is also important to have good filtration and make 10% weekly or 25% water changes every alternate week. Also be sure to treat the tap water with water before refilling your tank! You can use a water conditioner to purify the water.

Housing Recommendations For Angelfish

Angel fish grows massively and will need an aquarium of 55 gallons or more when fully mature. Tall aquariums are excellent, according to their body shape. A few floating plants can also be planted to offer shady areas and covers. The substrate should be a properly moderated, smooth surface gravel, as the angel fish likes to feed the bottom to eat.

Behavior/Compatibility for Angelfish

While angel fish are usually subtle, peaceful fishes, they are sachilled and can fluctuate towards each other, especially when trying to make and grow pairs. In addition, they will not hang back to eat small fish. This does not mean that they are enemies, only that they are opportunists and will eat whatever they walk in their mouths.

Did You Know

Members of the freshwater angel fish from the Sichlid family include other famous fish such as the Oscars, the parrot fish, and Jack Dempsey.

2. Angelfish 

Are Omnivores and will eat live foods and plants to reach optimum size and remain healthy.Angels fish are best to fed with daily flakes or a pelleted dietAngelfish can also Eat the fish in the aquarium, including tetras and fry.Angels should not be kept in overcrowded environments as this may exacerbate their aggressive or territorial tendencies.

Conclusion our this blog 

If you are looking for a distinctive, beautiful and delicate breed of freshwater fish, consider angel fish. These fish are not only diverse in colors and patterns, but they are an amazing sight to see when they swim around the tank. You will find an angel fish that suits you. Whether you plan to breed your angel fish or just embrace them for their aesthetics and beauty, these fish are an extraordinary species to grow.

 substrate should be a properly moderated, smooth surface gravel, as the angel fish likes to feed the bottom to eat.

Behavior/Compatibility for Angelfish

While angel fish are usually subtle, peaceful fishes, they are sachilled and can fluctuate towards each other, especially when trying to make and grow pairs. In addition, they will not hang back to eat small fish. This does not mean that they are enemies, only that they are opportunists and will eat whatever they walk in their mouths.

Did You Know

Members of the freshwater angel fish from the Sichlid family include other famous fish such as the Oscars, the parrot fish, and Jack Dempsey.

2. Angelfish 

Are Omnivores and will eat live foods and plants to reach optimum size and remain healthy.Angels fish are best to fed with daily flakes or a pelleted dietAngelfish can also Eat the fish in the aquarium, including tetras and fry.Angels should not be kept in overcrowded environments as this may exacerbate their aggressive or territorial tendencies.

Conclusion our this blog 

If you are looking for a distinctive, beautiful and delicate breed of freshwater fish, consider angel fish. These fish are not only diverse in colors and patterns, but they are an amazing sight to see when they swim around the tank. You will find an angel fish that suits you. Whether you plan to breed your 

angel fish or just embrace them for their aesthetics and beauty, these fish are an extraordinary species to grow.

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