Khaki Campbell Duck: An Excellent Egg-Laying Duck;
Khaki Campbell Duck is an excellent egg-laying duck. It is known not only for its beauty but also for its tough nature. Farmers and different breeders are passionately interested in nurturing it. This duck is generally perfect for farmers In this article, we will discuss its features and benefits in detail.
Origin and History:
Khaki Campbell Duck is named after its creator, Adele Gamble. He introduced this generation to England at the end of the 19th century. He tried to make a duck that would lay more eggs and be stronger. That is why she was named Adele Campbell.
Physical Appearance:
Campbell duck is a medium sized duck. Her body is long and light in weight. Because of this, it is fast smart, and agile. It is slightly darker in the male color (drake) and has a light green color on its neck. At the same time, the woman is completely light brown.
Weight and Size:
The weight of her male is between two and three kilograms and the weight of the female is between one and two kilograms. This duck is more agile and stiff. It finds grain on the ground instead of floating in water. This is why farmers like to grow it because it lays more eggs and is easy to care for.
Price and Availability:
The cost of Campbell duck ranges from Rs.1,000 to Rs.3,000. It may vary depending on the weather and age of the region. Their children are less expensive while adult ducks are more expensive.
Egg Production:
Campbell Duck is a tall egg-laying duck. It lays 250 to 340 eggs in a year. If it is given good and quality food, it can give you one egg a day. Her egg color is white or light gray. It is larger in size than a chicken egg. It starts laying eggs at the age of four to six months. This female continues to lay eggs for two to three years.
As a Pet:
Campbell duck can be kept as a pet. It's peaceful and friendly. It should be well taken care of. It goes well with its boss. It doesn't make too much noise and can live in a small space. These ducks are a great choice if you are looking for a simple and friendly pet.
Nature and Behavior:
Campbell duck is calm and agile. It feeds on the ground for food and does not spend much time in the water. It doesn't make too much noise and is peaceful. It's very vigilant. If it feels threatened, it runs away quickly. If it is well taken care of, it suits its environment. It stays healthy all seasons.
Living Conditions:
Campbell ducks should be kept in a clean, dry and safe place. Campbell ducks must have a clean, happy and safe place to live. Their place should be open and airy. So that they can roam freely. They must have soft and dry beds to sleep in. There should be a safe sheet around their house to protect them. So that they can avoid hunters. A little water is enough for them to take a bath. Both hot and cold climates are suitable for their survival. Ducks need to be taken care of in extreme heat and extreme cold.
Diet and Nutrition:
This duck needs a healthy diet. So that it is healthy. And lay more eggs. These fodder plants are eaten by insects. Which gives them energy. They should have clean water all the time. They cannot eat properly without water. Give them a special food rich in crushed apples or calcium. Which strengthens the shells of their eggs. Give them vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy. If they are given good food, they will lay more eggs. And they are protected from diseases.
Health and Diseases:
It is important to provide a clean environment to keep your ducklings healthy. They should always be given clean water and fresh food. If you feel that your ducks have slowed down, their wings have weakened, or their food has become less, it may be a sign of illness. They should be checked regularly to prevent diseases.
Common Diseases in Khaki Campbell Ducks:
Their custodians should be aware of the diseases that can occur in Khaka Campbell ducks. These include lung infections and throat problems.
Obesity in Ducks:
Khaki Campbell ducks can become obese if given excessive food, which causes common problems and shortens the lifespan. Prevent by feeding a balanced diet with enough exercise space and controlling the amount of treatment.
Respiratory Infections:
Ducks suffer from respiratory infections in a damp, unhealthy environment. Ensure proper ventilation and dry bedding, and avoid excessive congestion to prevent these problems.
Parasite Infections:
Can infect internal and external parasites ducks. Regularly checking pesticides, regular cleaning of the living environment, and the presence of particles or lice control parasites.
Vaccination and Disease Prevention:
These are important to provide clean water and good environment to ducks. They should also be vaccinated so that they are protected from the disease.
Incubation and Breeding:
If you want to get chicks out of eggs you need to put the egg in the incubator. This duck starts laying eggs at the age of four to 6 months. It lays eggs for two to three years. The eggs are kept in the incubator for twenty-eight days. If you have a female, she can lay eggs herself. The eggs have to be kept at the right temperature.
Economic Benefits for Farmers:
These ducks lay more eggs. So they are beneficial for farmers. They can be picked up in a small space. Their eggs are big and strong and can get good price in the market. They can also survive in water scarcity areas. They don't eat much food. Farmers can earn good income from these ducks.
Conclusion our this blog:
Khaki Campbell Duck is a profitable and easy breed chicken. It lays many eggs and is very attractive. Its eggs can be reared at a good price. It requires less space and less maintenance. Therefore, it is a good choice for farmers. He needs good food and water to stay healthy.